Specialty Equipment

Forgetting Specialty Equipment? Not with ESI.


Commercial blenders are now standard equipment for a specialty coffee operation.  Both frozen coffee frappes and fruit smoothies are found on nearly every specialty coffee menu. We offer Blendtec Blenders, an industry-leading commercial blender and dispenser for foodservice applications with a focus on the specialty coffee industry.



Auto-tampers streamline the coffee preparation process by providing consistent and precise tamping pressure, ensuring uniform extraction and flavor in every shot of espresso. By automating this crucial step, baristas can focus on other aspects of coffee making, such as customer service and quality control, leading to increased efficiency and satisfaction for both staff and patrons.



Keys to any operation that are often initially overlooked are tampers and stainless utensils for making and serving beverages. We are stocked with a wide variety of steaming pitchers, thermometers, bell creamers, bar spoons, carafes, airpots, thermal whipped cream dispensers, tampers and more. If you need it, we have it. And you won't need to worry about what you'll need. We offer comprehensive packages with everything included.


Roasting Equipment

Ever think about roasting your own coffee? It's not as complicated as you'd think. It can also cut down on costs and enable you to offer your own unique coffee blends at your operation. You can even take it a step further and market your roasts as retail bags, so they can enjoy your coffee at home. There are several small batch automated commercial roasters that are reliable—producing the perfect roast every time. Call or click today to see how ESI can help you start roasting for your operation.


How To Buy Specialty Equipment

Find the perfect espresso equipment to fit your needs.

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