Espresso Blog

Achieve Your Green Coffee Shop Goals Part II: From Local Food to Recycling, It All Adds Up

In Part I of this series, we discussed how to conduct an energy audit of your coffee shop or restaurant, to learn where best to incorporate energy efficiencies.

If an audit uncovers expensive fixes for your energy habit—like a need to upgrade your restaurant equipment to Energy Star models or install a new H-VAC system (not easy tasks), don’t fear. You can do those things in phases, and in the meantime, implement green measures that won’t break the bank:

Conserve water.

Simple changes in your water use such as running the dishwasher only when it is completely full, loosening dried food by...

Achieve Your Green Coffee Shop Goals, Part I: Perform an Energy Audit

Restaurants and cafes use five to seven times more energy per square foot than most other commercial buildings—and create a lot of garbage. Yet when looking to cut costs, even owners who see the value in “green coffee shop” status often focus on staffing or food-related costs—and ignore energy consumption.

The first step in achieving a sustainable foodservice business is to perform an energy audit to evaluate energy consumption in different areas of your café or restaurant. There are two ways to do this:

Hire a professional energy auditor/rater:

Working with an energy efficiency professional...

How Do You Know If You've Poured the Perfect Shot of Espresso?

The perfect shot of espresso isn't an elusive goal. It's within any barista's reach, with a little practice. Beyond the basics of pulling a shot, you just need to know how to evaluate an espresso's appearance, smell and taste.

So, what makes a shot of espresso truly great? 

The right brew time, for starters. Let's assume you have a delicious espresso roast, you know how to examine and tweak your grind, and how to tamp it into the portafilter just like so. If you've got these initial steps down, your espresso should take somewhere between 20 and 25 seconds to brew.

The stream of espresso...

Improve Your Staff’s Body Language as Part of Your Customer Satisfaction Strategy

Have you ever walked into a party and immediately decided whether to talk to a person, based on the way they looked or acted? Were they engaged in lively conversation or were they leaning against a wall with their arms crossed? Did they make eye contact or avoid it?

With anywhere from 50 percent to 90 percent of communication being nonverbal, it’s almost crazy how little significance we place on nonverbal cues in retail sales training. Especially knowing that people will draw a conclusion about whether they want to talk to a person—or buy from them—in as little as a few seconds.

So, what do...

Controlling Your Restaurant Business Costs

Unfixed restaurant business costs and waste can get out of hand before you know it—and drastically affect your bottom line. When was the last time you reviewed your costs and waste channels?

Following are a few ways to make sure your costs and waste don’t run you out of business:

Don't jump on every menu trend. Walk-in space, employee bandwidth—and even customer sentiments—are tested when a menu is constantly in flux. If you try to be everything to everyone you risk losing your identity and the reason people seek you out. You also risk wasting a lot of food.

Watch your advertising dollars....

Is Your Customer Service as Good as You Think It Is?

Put yourself in your patrons’ shoes to find out if you're on your customer service "A" game.

When was the last time you asked a customer for honest feedback? If your answer is, “not lately,” you may not truly know what's great (and what needs improvement) at your café or restaurant. And not knowing what needs improvement will likely lead to a loss of business.

Not only should you solicit feedback from patrons, you should take on their experience as your own. Among the benefits of walking in your customers’ shoes:

  • You'll uncover possible shortcomings in your products or service
  • You may find...

Five Coffee Equipment Maintenance Tips

Your brewing equipment and grinders (and customers!) count on you to make the best brew you can. Coffee equipment maintenance is needed daily and weekly, plus a tune up every 6 months, to assure they run smoothly and turn out the best possible coffee.

If you resolve to stick to some regular procedures, your equipment will thank you!

Tip #1 – Daily Coffee Equipment Maintenance

  1. Backflush each espresso group head nightly and wipe down your espresso machine so it’s sparkling clean for the next day.
  2. Clean brew pots and brewing chambers on your drip brewers.

Tip #2 – Weekly Espresso Machine,...

The Science Behind Milk Frothing—And Its Importance For Espresso Drinks

At Espresso Services and coffee shops across the country, careful attention is paid to the quality of the coffee that goes into lattes, cappuccinos and other espresso drinks. But milk is an equally vital component in these beverages.

How you steam and froth your milk is just about as important as grinding and tamping your coffee correctly. And having some understanding of the chemistry around steaming and frothing may help you make the best tasting espresso drinks your customers could ask for.

Milk’s Magic Ingredients:

Three solids are suspended in milk that directly impact its flavor and...

Airpot Selection and Maintenance Tips

As commonplace as they are, airpots can be a conundrum coffeehouse and restaurant staff. There are several models to choose from and they require different things to operate and care for them correctly. This guide to using and maintaining the most common airpot designs will set you on the right path.

Preheating and brewing your airpot:

No matter what kind of airpot you have, preheating is crucial. Brewing hot coffee into a cold airpot immediately lowers the temperature of the coffee by at least a few degrees. Most manufacturers recommend starting the day off right by filling the airpot...

How to Talk to Customers at Your Coffeehouse or Restaurant

You’ve got a great location, tasty food and drinks, and you've assembled a talented staff to welcome your customers. But have you talked to your team about how to talk to customers? It can seem obvious or demeaning to "teach them manners," but even well-meaning baristas, bartenders and servers can be perceived as impatient, impetuous or indifferent if they don't choose the right words with customers.

The following list of What Not to Say ... and What to Say Instead should be required reading for any employee—especially those who deal with customers. Some of the what-not-to-say phrases will...

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